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Experienced, Knowledgeable Dentists and Experts

The Metropolitan Dental Center

Metropolitan Dental Center is your one-stop dentist, periodontist, and orthodontist, all in one! We offer the latest technology and techniques, with friendly service you won’t find anywhere else.

Woman trying on teeth whitening sample at dentists

TMJ Specialist

Metropolitan Dental Center: Your Trusted TMJ Specialist

At Metropolitan Dental Center, we understand the debilitating effects of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders on daily life. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing top-notch TMJ treatment services from a TMJ specialist to alleviate your discomfort and restore your quality of life.

Comprehensive Evaluation from a TMJ Specialist

Our journey towards your relief begins with a comprehensive evaluation by our skilled TMJ specialist. We take the time to understand your unique symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle factors contributing to your TMJ disorder. This thorough assessment allows us to tailor a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs effectively.

TMJ Specialist Offering Advanced Treatment Options

Utilizing cutting-edge techniques and state-of-the-art technology, our TMJ specialist offers a range of advanced treatment options to alleviate your pain and improve jaw function. From conservative approaches such as lifestyle modifications and physical therapy to innovative interventions like custom splints and dental orthotics, we strive to provide solutions that yield lasting results.

Expert Care and Support by a TMJ Specialist

At Metropolitan Dental Center, your comfort and well-being are our top priorities. Our compassionate TMJ specialist is committed to providing expert care and unwavering support throughout your TMJ treatment journey. Whether you have questions, concerns, or simply need reassurance, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Experience Relief with Metropolitan Dental Center | TMJ Specialist

Don’t let TMJ pain control your life any longer. Experience relief and regain control of your oral health with Metropolitan Dental Center, your trusted TMJ specialist. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards a pain-free future.

Experienced, Knowledgeable Dentists and Specialists in Waterford Twp, MI

The Metropolitan Dental Center

Metropolitan Dental Center is your one-stop dentist, periodontist, and orthodontist, all in one! We offer the latest technology and techniques, with friendly service you won’t find anywhere else.

Woman trying on teeth whitening sample at dentists

Your One-Stop Dentist

We are a family-friendly dental practice that has been offering compassionate dental care for over 50 years.

Emergency Services, Free consultations, and Affordable care. We accept most insurance.